Pillar 2:
Evolving hybrid cloud management to facilitate growth and reduce risk
Pillar 2:
Evolving hybrid cloud management to facilitate growth and reduce risk

“The one thing that kills brands is security outages,” says Tim Moody, Head of Global Offering Strategy at Fujitsu.
This is why security is companies' biggest concern about managing their hybrid cloud environment. It ranks above maintenance costs and speed of service delivery.
The Hybrid Cloud Leaders are more advanced when it comes to managing security and compliance risks
Q. How effective is your organization at doing the following in your hybrid cloud environment? (Those answering ‘effective’ or ‘very effective’)
“The one thing that kills brands is security outages,” says Tim Moody, Head of Global Offering Strategy at Fujitsu.
This is why security is companies' biggest concern about managing their hybrid cloud environment. It ranks above maintenance costs and speed of service delivery.
The Hybrid Cloud Leaders are more advanced when it comes to managing security and compliance risks
Q. How effective is your organization at doing the following in your hybrid cloud environment? (Those answering ‘effective’ or ‘very effective’)
Can the Hybrid Cloud Followers catch up?
The Hybrid Cloud Leaders might be better than the Followers at managing these risks, but not even a third of them can do it well. So the data suggests that this is a challenge for everyone, and even the most advanced companies need support.
Can the Hybrid Cloud Followers catch up?
The Hybrid Cloud Leaders might be better than the Followers at managing these risks, but not even a third of them can do it well. So the data suggests that this is a challenge for everyone, and even the most advanced companies need support.
Stronger security fuels growth
The Hybrid Cloud Leaders use their prowess in managing security and compliance risks to reduce overall risk. But this also helps them to accelerate growth: 37% say that enhancing security is a measure their organization should take to ensure their hybrid model facilitates business growth.
It is not just security they are looking to in order to achieve business growth: 46% of the Hybrid Cloud Leaders believe they should invest in emerging tech to improve performance, and 27% believe they should hire new specialist talent.
Stronger security fuels growth
The Hybrid Cloud Leaders use their prowess in managing security and compliance risks to reduce overall risk. But this also helps them to accelerate growth: 37% say that enhancing security is a measure their organization should take to ensure their hybrid model facilitates business growth.
It is not just security they are looking to in order to achieve business growth: 46% of the Hybrid Cloud Leaders believe they should invest in emerging tech to improve performance, and 27% believe they should hire new specialist talent.